Solutions for Animals

About Our Process

Our ingredients are available in a wide range of deliverables from fresh or frozen to rendered meals and fats. No matter the product form, we strive to provide essential nutrition from high-quality ingredients. For more information on our rendering process, check out our Rendering page.

How Rendering Works

Innovation At Work

All of our ingredients begin with our Research and Development team and their nearly 200 years of combined experience in R&D, animal nutrition, food science, meat science, process engineering, biology, microbiology and chemistry. The R&D team is dedicated to finding the best solutions for your ingredient needs by improving processes, optimizing raw materials and finding ways to improve our ingredients to meet the nutritional needs of all animals. 

Our Quality Assurance Team of highly qualified and dedicated members ensures that every ingredient meets your standards. Their extensive education and experience includes food science and technology, poultry science, chemistry, microbiology, and HACCP. They’re always there to ensure that you receive timely and accurate responses to any quality or technical needs. 

Analytical chemistry data for our ingredients is available via Certificates of Analysis (COA) specific to each order. Custom data reporting is available. All ingredients within Tyson Ingredient Solutions production operations are made using strict HACCP principles and programs, as well as process control and Food Safety programs.

We can trace ingredients all the way back to their grandparent stock. All of our flocks are tested prior to slaughter for pesticide and PCB residues and are cleared for AI prior to transportation from the farm to the processing facility. 

We believe that great partnerships are built on trust and satisfaction. That's why we’re always innovating – to make sure that everything we sell meets our standards and yours. Our advanced approach results in higher-quality ingredients, more confidence, and less trouble.